Recently, especially in college and especially after living in a house of 40 girls this year, it's easy to feel like I'm just blending into the crowd. What exactly makes me special or different from everyone else? How do I look different from my friends? What does it look like for me to worship the Lord?
One of the most important things I've been learning is how to truly be the woman who God made me to be. This means pursuing my passions, seeking out activities and oppourtunities that make my heart happy and that are highlighting my God-given skills and talents. Not just for me, but to further advance the kingdom and to fulfill my ultimate mission on this Earth: worshipping my Lord and Savior. It's the best to see people in the place where God has created them to be. A place where they are using their unique skills and talents to contribute to the body of Christ.
"The body is a unit, though it is made up of many different parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body."
1 Corinthians 12:12-13
For me, I find so much happiness and joy when I am doing something or going someplace that I have never been before. Something that is a bit unknown to me, urging me to take that leap of faith. This is when I truly feel closest to God.
This semester I took a Backpacking class for one of my Kinesiology credits. We met once a week for two hours and learned all the ins and outs of what to bring in your pack, how to prepare for the elements, how to properly prepare food with a camping stove, how to build a sump hole and my personal favorite- how to use the restroom in the woods (yippee!).
At the end we took a 3 night trip to Lake Georgetown to backpack the Good Water Trail. In all, we hiked the distance of a half marathon while lugging our huge packs around with all our sleeping materials, cooking devices and a few other necessary items. It was quite the...
It's important to spend time alone and not be afraid to be completely myself in order to cultivate the gifts and talents that have been given to me.
So, thank you to my backpacking class for teaching me a little more about life and growing me a lot more in my faith. It's definitely the little things in life.