Saturday, August 2, 2014

life's a dance

Life's a dance
You learn as you go
Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow

Don't worry bout what you don't know

Life's a dance
You learn as you go
- Good ole John Michael Montgomery

I heard this song on the radio the other day and it sounds a bit cheesy, but I really did take it to heart. Since launching into my post-study abroad life, anxious feelings about my future have been bombarding my brain and stealing most of my attention.

I expected to come back from my semester in France and have all of it magically figured out. I think I believed that the perfect job opportunity would just land in my lap, tailor- made for me.

I sincerely wanted to have a life plan mapped out for me or at least a little something I can refer to when I don't know what's up next. But, there's a little thing called trust that I'm reminding myself to lean on.
Trust in God cause he did tailor-make me to be here for a certain purpose. Broadly, it's to glorify him. So I'm finding myself waking up each morning and reminding myself to:

1. Don't feel like I have to have it all figured out by dinnertime tonight
2. Trust that God is much more interested in who I am than what I do 
3. Take a deep breath because after all, I'm only twenty one
4. No matter where I am, remember to always be serving God and serving others 

So. Even though I don't have a roadmap marked out with flow charts and diagrams for future jobs and life plans, I think it is better that way. I know what I am passionate about and I know what my purpose is. For now, I think I'll celebrate cause life is a dance.